I is for Innovate
A total of 7 Innovation Camps (ICAMPs), all sponsored by Citi Foundation, took place during this academic year with 337 participating students in Beirut, Mount Lebanon and the North.
A total of 7 Innovation Camps (ICAMPs), all sponsored by Citi Foundation, took place during this academic year with 337 participating students in Beirut, Mount Lebanon and the North. For each ICAMP, INJAZ Lebanon collaborated with a different Program Partner to develop and present a business challenge for which participating students have to find the most innovative solution.
Program Partners that included Citibank, Bank Audi, Daher Foods, Deloitte (in collaboration with Berytech as the Innovation Partner), Rural Entrepreneurs and Tripoli Entrepreneurs Club, also provided a total of 54 volunteers in order to mentor the students’ teams during the day and help them come up with their business solution and present it to a judging panel.
The participating educational institutions from the university track included Balamand University, the American University of Beirut, the Lebanese American University, and Université Saint-Joseph. As for the participating schools and organizations, we collaborated with Ali El Nahri High School, Baakline Public High School, Batloun Public High School, College Notre Dame de L’Assomption, Mokhtara Public High School, and Riyak Public High School, as well as the SOS Children’s Villages organization.
This camp is by far one of the most entertaining and skill developing workshop I participated in. The teamwork skill you develop and the interaction with total strangers from different backgrounds helped us come up with new ideas, plans and challenge ourselves. (…) This workshop was able to gather people who want to change, want to innovate. You can see brilliant minds working and brainstorming together. (…) In the future I would like to participate in similar camps."
Malak Buhardan, Student, Lebanese American University
A great insight for what is waiting for us in the business world. Learning to work in teams, entrepreneurship, and innovation."
Jean-Pierre El Chaar, Student, University of Balamand
This program pushed me to think out of the box, to learn. Look at success stories of successful people, and believe in my inner power and creativity."
Salam Halawany, Student, American University of Beirut