Questa: Google, but Make It Academic
Ever found yourself stuck on some stubborn homework that no matter how much you tried, you just couldn’t solve? Or maybe some absurd lesson that you couldn’t wrap your head around? Worry not, Questa is here to save the day, and your grades!
School can be pretty tough; the overload of tests and exams accompanied by a multitude of homework so hard that it makes you doubt your own sanity and understanding is enough to drive a student crazy. We were all students at one point or another, many of us still are, and so we can all relate to that “academic” struggle.
Anthony Kreidy, Nour Adabachy, and Theodor Rahme were all students who suffered from such an issue as well. As grown-ups, Anthony and Nour still suffered the exact same problem working as private tutors. Students would often contact them after their work hours to assist them in solving their homework or in studying for an upcoming test. They both had enough with that constant after-work workload and wished that some sort of device would have been present to answer the students’ questions. “2 years ago, Nour and I were still doing some private teaching. One day, we were both at my house and Nour was complaining about how he wished there were something that could answer the students’ after-session questions, instead of them contacting us via calls or messages. That sparked an idea in Theodore’s mind and I helped him turn that idea into reality,” explains Anthony from Questa.
Now that we’ve got you all intrigued, let us tell you what Questa is. Questa is an educational platform that follows the EdTech technique (Educational Technology) which incorporates high-end technology and artificial intelligence with education to deliver academic aid for school students, whatever their subject or question might be. It aims at developing the students’ mental abilities by providing a Q&A (Question and Answer) platform that assists students grow both mentally and independently by not providing direct answers to their questions; rather, by founding a strong academic base for the students onto which they can build up their lesson understanding and learn to come up with the answers themselves, giving them space to grow independently and nurture their problem-solving skills. “The purpose of the Q&A platform is to connect school students to expert tutors so they (the students) are able to benefit from personal assistance and help from the tutors by exchanging questions and not-so-direct answers until the students can come up with the answer themselves,” remarks Questa.
Questa tackles a new initiative by providing a small assessment during the sign-up stage which determines the student’s level and suitable learning methodology based on his/her answers. “By undertaking this test, we are able to identify the student’s mental capabilities onto which we can base our suitable teaching methodology and develop a personal growth plan which equips students to undergo exams and tasks on their own so that by the age of 18, they are able to pick the college major that they are sure will shine in,” adds Questa.
“Our main goal is to guarantee that the student receives the best possible academic outcome,” quotes the three Questarians.
Questa participated in the TAQA youth program. TAQA is an INJAZ Lebanon program that is part of the Generation of Innovation Leaders (GIL) program, powered by UNICEF Lebanon and sponsored by the Kingdom of Netherlands. With their idea, Questa was able to successfully win the approval of the TAQA jury and receive a seed funding of 3000$ to help kickstart their new initiative.
INJAZ Lebanon would like to wish Questa the best of luck and the highest grades for their students in their strife of redefining what learning could be. On this note INJAZ Lebanon would like to express its sincerest heartfelt thankfulness for UNICEF Lebanon and the Kingdom of Netherlands for their unfaltering support in helping the Lebanese youth become entrepreneurs of their own and boosting their employment chances. Thank you!
Keep yourself updated with Questa’s work and mission to help school students by following their Instagram account:
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